Welcome to the Wildcats Four Brett Blogspot. This site chronicles the adventure and quest for victory of Scott Sherman, Scott Forman, Jim Kodjababian and Jay Osborne in the Race Across the West, June 17 - 20, 2009. See the first two entries in our blog archive - "Race Across the West" and "Wildcats Four Brett" for an introduction to the race and our team. Be sure also to visit our Huntington's Disease fund raising page and please thank our sponsors!
Help our efforts to find a cure for Huntington's Disease
We want to thank our generous sponsors and ask that you all buy alot of stuff from them!
Thanks to Michael and Lisa, Owners of Michael's Bicycles in Newbury Park, CA. Michael's was rated #1 in service in the Conejo Valley, they carry Gary Fisher, Specialized, and Kona along with many other cool products... and they will always treat you right!
Thanks to Tom and Mary DeCaro, owners of Albequerque Bicycle Center - http://albbicyclecenter.com/. ABC is the largest Trek/Bontrager dealer in New Mexico and is prepared to handle all of cycling needs. Be sure to stop in see them if you are in the Albequerque area.
Dude, I wish you were riding with us!!