Sunday, June 21, 2009

A word from a caffeine free Hansy

Hi there everyone! If you don't know who I, the illustrious German known as Hansy, am, then Sucks to be you Dude! But, I was the entertainment mechanic and all around smart-aleck during RAW. While trucking around with my new favorite herd of old men, I had an exorbitant amount of that wonderful smile inducing substance commonly known as fun (No, not Monster, don't go there.)
I had more to blog on the road, but I have a habit of sleeping though runs to Starbucks. So I'll contribute with some Sucks to be you and Tres Bouvais.

Sucks to be you:

Realizing that you have to listen to Hansy riff on all things great and small for a few more hours (Sharon)
Trying to shower, but then realizing that there's no water when standing stark naked in the rv shower
Knowing that at some point in the night you may be closer to your team and crew than you thought possible (See Love Nest)
Being positive that the right turn was supposed to be a left (Scott F)
Getting the only penalty for running a stop sign (Scott F)
Realizing your urine resembles radioactivity due to overexposure to Monster (Hansy)
Running out into the street to grab some food, and having a bicycle smash all of your vertabrae (Squirrel)

Tres Bouvais

Laughing at yourself
Realizing the Jalapeno you unknowingly ate will be the worst moment of the day
Being able to use phrases like "Tubey," "Clincher," "Dropout," and "Dude Lance is so awesome," without people looking at you funny.
Realizing that few lost seconds at a rider trade is not the end of the world
Having people to listen to you riff on everything
Knowing that friendship is more important than any race

That's what I got, or at least until next year, or tomorrow after few Monsters



Running out into the road

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